The Ideal Self Guide

A self-discovery tool to meet your greatest self 

Get clear on who you are, what you value, and map out a path toward the future you want.

Self-discovery journaling prompts, aesthetic visual guide & daily habit-tracking.

In order to live a life that feels authentic, purposeful and fulfilling, you have to know who you are and what you care about. Not knowing yourself and what you're working towards is a likely reason you feel stuck, lost, uncertain or unhappy in life. The Ideal Self Guide was created to help you identify who you wish to become and outline your vision for the future. Using shadow work journaling, vision board visualization and daily, value-aligned habit-tracking, you can come to know and work to align with your ideal self– and thus, have your ideal life.

Does this sound like you?


You're not entirely sure of who you are, what you want or where you're headed in life.


You don't feel lit-up by your current career and you want work to feel more purposeful.


You find yourself stuck in cycles, habits, places or mindsets that no longer serve you.


You haven't tapped your full potential and you want to elevate your self and your life.

What people like you have to say about the guide:

GRACE – 22, boise 

"The Ideal Self Guide provided me with the tools I needed to reconnect with my core beliefs. Now, when facing difficult life decisions, I can draw on the values of my ideal self to act in a way that truly resonates with who I am.


“The Ideal Self Guide's thought-provoking questions helped me clarify my goals and develop a roadmap to becoming the best version of myself. The prompts were strong, meaningful and well thought-out. Can’t recommend enough!”

addy – 23, detroit

“The Ideal Self Guide highlighted what I need to work on. It helped me to realize which areas in my life I need to address more thoroughly and sprinkle with love. Highly recommend to anyone in need of a little guidance in any area of life!”

Here's what to expect ⇊

step 1:


Using guided journaling, you will take inventory of the habits, beliefs & characteristics of your current self, as well as your ideal self. Finally you will plan to get aligned by shedding outdated beliefs you still carry and adopting the mindset of your ideal.



These 60+ curated questions will alleviate your uncertainty, helping you to get clear on who you are and what you want in the realms of self, career, wealth & lifestyle.



Plugging in key insights from your journaling alongside images from your vision board, you will create a 30-slide, visually aesthetic guide– the “manual” to your ideal life. 

ideal lifestyle


A presentation outlining specific qualities of your ideal self becomes much more than a vision board. This powerful tool for manifestation and visualization also serves as a crucial reminder of who you are becoming.



Take what you learned about your ideal self and put it into action. With daily habit-tracking and reflection, you can hold yourself accountable to live and act as your ideal would and create the life you deserve.



The effectiveness of your habits is amplified when linked to a specific goal or value of yours. Bringing intentionality to your daily actions allows you to align with your ideal self faster and feel satisfied seeing your progress along the way.


The insights you'll gain from using this guide will permanently alter your life for the better. The guide is collaborative– the more you show up to it with a willingness to better yourself, engage through honest reflections and apply what you learn into your everyday life, the more apparent your positive transformation will be. From a 20-something who has gained the direction, confidence and clarity they've always wanted,I can promise you that this is the best investment you could make right now with $20, as it offers a lifetime of positive returns.


pricing subject to change. buy now!

what benefits come with completing the guide?

Ways in which the Ideal Self Guide may improve your life include…


A better understanding of yourself, your values, and how you can live a more authentic, purposeful and fulfilling life


More confidence in yourself and in your life path, more clarity and direction regarding where you're headed in life


A leap toward emotional and financial freedom. Set the stage for breakthroughs in relationships, career and finances


Having identified the career / purpose best aligned to your values, passions, and how you would ideally feel at work


Improved overall self-concept including greater self-esteem, self-love, self-compassion and capacity for self-expression


The adoption of a growth-mindset and an elevated set of beliefs that supports the evolution into ones greatest self


Enhanced focus, time management, productivity, improved ability to set and achieve meaningful and worthwhile goals

Do you feel as though you have the potential to live a life far beyond your current reality?

Don't settle for less than the life you deserve.

“Since graduating from college 6 months ago, I've felt stuck and like I'm just floating with no path to follow. The Ideal Self Guide has helped me find motivation and shape my own path forward– setting habits that my ideal self would have and creating building blocks to the fully realized person I will soon be. There's finally light at the end of the tunnel!”


Ready to get clear on who you are and feel confident in your path?

Pave the way to the life you want.

Get the clarity you're craving.

If you've been searching for answers, look no further: they've been right inside of you this whole time. The Ideal Self Guide's prompts will have you look deep within, revealing that in which your true self has known all along.


Overcome Obstacles to Becoming Your Ideal Self


A gift from me, included with your purchase.

Becoming your ideal self is a significant undertaking. That’s why I created a 20+ slide guide to supplement the Ideal Self Guide and help keep you on the path toward becoming your ideal. Use this resource to help you successfully navigate obstacles along your journey!

Book a 1-on-1 with Adam.

Want help getting started?

Upgrade your purchase of the Ideal Self Guide to secure a one-on-one, 30-minute video consult.

Getting started is the hardest part. Whether you have questions on getting the most out of the guide, how to use Notion, or just want to pick my brain on how you can become your ideal self, book with me.

Limited sessions available

Ready to find more meaning and purpose in your everyday life?

Don't settle for less than the life you deserve.

Find the direction you're seeking.

We've all been there. When you don't know where you're headed, it's easy to feel like you're drifting, making you more susceptible to a loss of motivation and low-moods. With the Ideal Self Guide, you can get crystal clear about what you're working toward, and spend every day in a meaningful way.

from THE CREATOR – adam oh

“The guide was built on one simple premise: you can design a life you love by defining your ideal self.”

When I graduated from college, I felt lost in many ways. I wasn't sure of my career, I knew my relationship with myself had room for improvement, and I felt as though I wasn't showing up in life as the best version of myself. Being on my own as a young 20-something felt disorienting– I constantly wished that someone would just tell me what to do. In search of a solution, I took a deep dive into personal development, reading the works of dozens of acclaimed self-help authors. In my research, I noticed a common thread: all encouraged the inner exploration of ones greatest and most authentic self. I set out to discover what my own “ideal self” would look like by curating prompts to better understand my values, beliefs, habits and desires. I took my time answering the prompts, as they required a newfound level of self-reflection. I quickly learned that a deep knowing of self benefited me in innumerable ways. My relationship to self and to others improved, along with my ability to show up and communicate authentically. I discovered where I felt most purposeful and passionate in career (you guessed it: in self-help). Most of all, I was able to make everyday more fulfilling by behaving as my ideal self would. In just one years time of working to align with my ideal self, my life has come infinitely closer to looking like my dream reality. Interacting with the Ideal Self Guide helped (and continues to help) me grow, flourish and show up as my best self every day. I am beyond excited for you to experience the same positive transformation in your own life!


It's time to meet your ideal self.


What should I do if I need help with my Ideal Self Guide?

Your purchase of the Ideal Self Guide comes with free, 24/7 email support via Reach out with any questions! You can also view the FAQ section in Notion. A video consult can be booked with Adam for an additional $60.

I don't have a Notion account. What is Notion? Is it free to use?

Notion is a tool for note-taking, habit-tracking & more. It is totally free– sign-up instantly with your email. The guide exists as a template in Notion. After you purchase you'll receive your own editable copy of the guide. Your responses in Notion are private; I cannot access them.

After I purchase the guide, what can I expect to receive?

After your purchase, you will receive a PDF with a link to the guide and instructions on how to get started. There will also be a tutorial video and free bonus resources linked! If you're not particularly tech-savvy or familiar with Notion, don't worry– you'll be walked through it.

Once I've purchased the guide, can I edit or share it with others?

You are absolutely encouraged to modify your version of the Ideal Self Guide. That being said, If you choose to share the template with others, please recommend them to the product’s purchase page. Re-distribution of the template without permission may result in legal fines.

How long will the guide take me and how often should I use it?

There is no right timeline for using the guide. Go through it at the pace that works best for you. Honest responses will yield better results. Log your progress for up to two years. Whenever you need a re-brand or life change, you can complete the guide for yourself again.

How does this guide differ from other life planners & tools?

The Ideal Self Guide is better than others as it focuses on values and actionability, giving you a simple, three-step process to get clear on the things that matter most to you so you can begin to build a life that feels more authentic, purposeful, and fulfilling to you.